
Quantum models à la Gabor for space-time metric

As an extension of Gabor signal processing, the covariant Weyl-Heisenberg integral quantization is implemented to transform  functions on the eight-dimensional  phase space (x,k) into Hilbertian operators. The x=(x^{\mu}) are space-time variables and the k=(k^{\mu}) are their conjugate wave vector-frequency variables. The procedure is first applied to the variables (x,k) and produces canonically conjugate essentially  self-adjoint operators. It is next applied to the metric field g_{\mu\nu}(x) of general relativity and yields regularised  semi-classical phase space portraits of it.

Black hole perturbations in higher-order scalar-tensor theories: initial value problem and dynamical stability

We propose a physically sensible formulation of initial value problem for black hole perturbations in higher-order scalar-tensor theories. As a first application, we study monopole perturbations around stealth Schwarzschild solutions in a shift- and reflection-symmetric subclass of DHOST theories. In particular, we investigate the time evolution of the monopole perturbations by solving a two-dimensional wave equation and analyze the Vishveshwara’s classical scattering experiment, i.e., the time evolution of a Gaussian wave packet.

Light Propagation in Massive, Non-Linear, Standard-Model Extension Theories

Astrophysical observations are largely based on electromagnetic signals still read with the Maxwellian massless and linear theory, possibly an approximation of a larger theory, as Newtonian gravity is for Einsteinian gravity in weak fields. Photons are the sole free massless particles in the Standard-Model (SM). Apart from massive formalisms (de Broglie-Proca, Bopp, Stueckelberg and others), the SM Extension dresses the photon of a mass dependent from the Lorentz-Poincaré symmetry violation.

Current and future constraints on cosmology and modified gravitational wave friction from binary black holes

Gravitational wave (GW) standard sirens are well-established probes with which one can measure cosmological parameters, and are complementary to other probes like the cosmic microwave background or supernovae standard candles. I will focus on dark GW sirens, specifically binary black holes (BBHs) for which there is only GW data. Relying on the assumption of a source mass model for the BBH distribution, we consider four models that are representative of the BBH population observed so far.

On Adiabatic Renormalization with a Physically Motivated Infrared Cut-Off

Within the framework of the inflationary paradigm, it is well-known that correlation functions (or in general bi-linear observables) of quantum fields on a curved background suffer from divergences. In general, the presence of ultraviolet (UV) divergences due to fluctuations on arbitrary short scales is a common aspect of quantum field theory.

Ghosts without Runaway

I will discuss our recent work Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 4, 041301 in which we present a simple class of mechanical models where a canonical degree freedom interacts with another one with a negative kinetic term, i.e., with a ghost. We prove analytically that the classical motion of the system is completely stable for all initial conditions, notwithstanding that the conserved Hamiltonian is unbounded from below and above. Numerical computations fully supported this.

Light Dark Matter: Collective Effects in the Lab and in Stars

Light dark matter candidates, such as axions and hidden photons, call for new ideas in direct detection. I discuss the recently proposed strategy of searching for e.g. axions using tunable cryogenic plasmas. The plasma haloscope enables resonant conversion by matching the axion mass to a plasma frequency, therefore converting axions to plasmons. Metamaterials are promising candidates, as the plasma frequency can be tuned. Besides axions, other dark matter candidates, such as hidden photons and scalars, can be successfully targeted with a plasma haloscope.


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